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Generate organized notes from audio in a minute

ScribeWizard is a streamlit app that generates organized notes from audio using Groq, Whisper, and Llama3.

See ScribeWizard in Action

Watch ScribeWizard easily transform audio into structured notes

Key Features


Blazing Fast Processing

Transform audio into structured text using Groq in seconds to minutes.


YouTube Integration

Seamlessly download and transcribe YouTube videos with ScribeWizard.


Flexible Model Selection

Customize your experience by choosing from various Groq-powered models like Llama3 and Mixtral.


Smart Prompting

Optimize performance with scaffolded prompting, intelligently switching between models for ideal speed and quality.


Markdown Formatting

Create visually appealing notes with Markdown, including tables and code snippets in the Streamlit app.


PDF Export

Easily export your beautifully formatted results as PDF documents, preserving all Markdown styling.

Fast Inference Using Groq

Achieve speeds of up to 1200+ tokens per second using Groq to generate structured notes.

Upload Audio or Provide YouTube Link

The streamlit app scaffolds the creation of structured notes by iteratively parsing and generating notes from transcribed audio lectures.

  • Transcribes Audio with Whisper
  • Generates Outline with First Model
  • Generates Content with Second Model
  • Iteratively Refines Notes for Accuracy
  • Outputs Structured, Markdown-Formatted Notes

Try the ScribeWizard App

The app includes several examples and sample audio to try, or you can upload your own.